531 research outputs found

    On the Achievable Error Region of Physical Layer Authentication Techniques over Rayleigh Fading Channels

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    For a physical layer message authentication procedure based on the comparison of channel estimates obtained from the received messages, we focus on an outer bound on the type I/II error probability region. Channel estimates are modelled as multivariate Gaussian vectors, and we assume that the attacker has only some side information on the channel estimate, which he does not know directly. We derive the attacking strategy that provides the tightest bound on the error region, given the statistics of the side information. This turns out to be a zero mean, circularly symmetric Gaussian density whose correlation matrices may be obtained by solving a constrained optimization problem. We propose an iterative algorithm for its solution: Starting from the closed form solution of a relaxed problem, we obtain, by projection, an initial feasible solution; then, by an iterative procedure, we look for the fixed point solution of the problem. Numerical results show that for cases of interest the iterative approach converges, and perturbation analysis shows that the found solution is a local minimum

    Sonoelastography in the diagnosis of tendinopathies: An added value

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    BACKGROUND: sonoelastography helps in the detection of abnormalities not yet evident on B-mode exam. METHODS: in this observational study, we report a collection of cases of symptomatic patients without alterations at ultrasound imaging but with evidence of pathological findings at sonoelastography. Patients, with clinical history suggestive for tendinopathies or surgically treated, and negative at the ultrasound exam, were submitted to sonoelastography. Out of 846, 632 patients with positive ultrasound exam were excluded. Sonoelastography was therefore performed in the remaining 214. RESULTS: the examination was positive in 168 cases: 78 patients were affected with shoulder diseases, while elbow pathology was observed in 31 subjects; patellar, Achilles and plantar fascia disorders were reported in 19, 27, and 13 patients, respectively. CONCLUSION: sonoelastography can reveal tendon abnormalities of clinical relevance in a high percentage of cases, where the ultrasound exam was negative, making the method a complementary tool to ultrasound evaluation

    Hidden secrets of the Northern Adriatic: "TegnĂșe", peculiar reefs

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    Abstract Research carried out over the last 40 years has underlined the scientific importance of the rocky outcrops scattered on the Northern Adriatic Sea bed sometimes referred to as "tegnĂșe". The zoobenthic biocenoses developing over these peculiar geological formations are as extraordinary as they are unique. A study carried out for an entire year in two sampling stations, at different distances from the coast, revealed a very high number of zoobenthic species, including those which have now become rare and are therefore protected in Italian seas. The water turbidity of the northern Adriatic Sea greatly reduces the quantity of light reaching these outcrops, limiting the activity of autotrophic organisms only to sciaphilous genera. Thus, the most represented trophic categories of zoobenthos are suspension, especially filter feeders. Biodiversity values calculated for the communities of these particular reefs are far higher than normally found in the soft seabed in nearby areas, but even higher than in other coralligenous outcrops in other marine ecosystem in the world. The ecological role played by the tegnĂșe in the Northern Adriatic is extraordinary because as well as being true oases of biodiversity, they are areas naturally protected against bottom trawl-fishing. Thus, they offer shelter and reproduction sites for a number of fish and invertebrate species, including some under stress due to severe fishing pressure

    Bounds on heavy chiral fermions

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    We derive the low-energy electroweak effective lagrangian for the case of additional heavy, unmixed, sequential fermions. Present data still allow for the presence of a new quark and/or lepton doublet with masses greater than M_Z/2, provided that these multiplets are sufficiently degenerate. Deviations of the effective lagrangian predictions from a full one-loop computation are sizeable only for fermion masses close to the threshold M_Z/2. Some of the constraints on new sequential fermions coming from accelerator results and cosmological considerations are presented. We point out that the new fermions can significantly affect the production and decay rate into \gamma \gamma of the intermediate Higgs at LHC

    Effects on mobility training and de-adaptations in subjects with Spinal Cord Injury due to a Wearable Robot: A preliminary report

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    open7noopenSale, Patrizio; Russo, Emanuele Francesco; Russo, Michele; Masiero, Stefano; Piccione, Francesco; CalabrĂČ, Rocco Salvatore; Filoni, SerenaSale, Patrizio; Russo, Emanuele Francesco; Russo, Michele; Masiero, Stefano; Piccione, Francesco; CalabrĂČ, Rocco Salvatore; Filoni, Seren

    Magnetoencephalography in Stroke Recovery and Rehabilitation

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    Magnetoencephalography (MEG) is a non-invasive neurophysiological technique used to study the cerebral cortex. Currently, MEG is mainly used clinically to localize epileptic foci and eloquent brain areas in order to avoid damage during neurosurgery. MEG might, however, also be of help in monitoring stroke recovery and rehabilitation. This review focuses on experimental use of MEG in neurorehabilitation. MEG has been employed to detect early modifications in neuroplasticity and connectivity, but there is insufficient evidence as to whether these methods are sensitive enough to be used as a clinical diagnostic test. MEG has also been exploited to derive the relationship between brain activity and movement kinematics for a motor-based brain-computer interface. In the current body of experimental research, MEG appears to be a powerful tool in neurorehabilitation, but it is necessary to produce new data to confirm its clinical utility

    The role of detraining in tendon mechanobiology

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    INTRODUCTION: Several conditions such as training, aging, estrogen deficiency and drugs could affect the biological and anatomo-physiological characteristics of the tendon. Additionally, recent preclinical and clinical studies examined the effect of detraining on tendon, showing alterations in its structure and morphology and in tenocyte mechanobiology. However, few data evaluated the importance that cessation of training might have on tendon. Basically, we do not fully understand how tendons react to a phase of training followed by sudden detraining. Therefore, within this review, we summarize the studies where tendon detraining was examined. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A descriptive systematic literature review was carried out by searching three databases (PubMed, Scopus and Web of Knowledge) on tendon detraining. Original articles in English from 2000 to 2015 were included. In addition, the search was extended to the reference lists of the selected articles. A public reference manager (www.mendeley.com) was adopted to remove duplicate articles. RESULTS: An initial literature search yielded 134 references (www.pubmed.org: 53; www.scopus.com: 11; www.webofknowledge.com: 70). Fifteen publications were extracted based on the title for further analysis by two independent reviewers. Abstracts and complete articles were after that reviewed to evaluate if they met inclusion criteria. CONCLUSIONS: The revised literature comprised four clinical studies and an in vitro and three in vivo reports. Overall, the results showed that tendon structure and properties after detraining are compromised, with an alteration in the tissue structural organization and mechanical properties. Clinical studies usually showed a lesser extent of tendon alterations, probably because preclinical studies permit an in-depth evaluation of tendon modifications, which is hard to perform in human subjects. In conclusion, after a period of sudden detraining (e.g., after an injury), physical activity should be taken with caution, following a targeted rehabilitation program. However, further research should be performed to fully understand the effect of sudden detraining on tendons
